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 While working at American Express in 1996, Chang, Shen-Kuang met with leading entrepreneurs on the top floor of Rockefeller Center to discuss how crucial employee training was for corporate success. The meeting attracted wide attention and resulted in four key principles to improve corporate efficiency and employee quality: Intelligence, Management, Attitude and Personality. The four principles created by Mr. Chang later became the cornerstone of iMAP Intelligence Training. At the meeting, Mr. Chang promised to deliver this groundbreaking training to his clients. 

   The concept of employee training was developed in the 1990s, during Taiwan’s economic take-off, when the service industry was just in its early growth stages. Later, in the early 21st century, the industrial restructuring led to original brand creation in the technology sector and generated a lot of talk about teamwork and leader ship training. As of now, the latest wave of our knowledge-based economy is affecting traditional corporate and industrial competencies, especially considering the power of globalization and the cutting-edge technologies now employed.


   1996年服務於American Express美國運通公司的張伸寬先生與各大企業家在紐約曼哈頓島上的洛克斐勒中心( Rockefeller Center)頂樓聚會,探討員工訓練對於企業經營成功重要性的話題,引發了來自各界企業家共同的關注,並在會中激盪出提升企業經營及員工素質的四個關鍵法則:Intelligence 智慧 Management 管理 Attitude 態度 Personality 品格。這四個法則同時是 張董事長日後創立艾美普訓練® (i MAP Intelligence Training) 引用 i MAP 的實質意涵。秉持當年聚會時的熱誠與初衷為客戶提供卓越的服務。



   The management guru Peter Drucker pointed out as early as in 2002 that society is transitioning into a knowledge-based one. The capital- and skill-intensive economy will become a knowledge-based economy, emphasizing not only the creation of knowledge, but its circulation and added value. The new trend is to think outside the box and to create new momentum for economic growth with innovation, technology, information, globalization, competitiveness, and so on. Bill Gates, the wealthiest man on earth, and Steve Jobs, who mesmerized the technology world with innovation, are two outstanding examples in this knowledge economy.

   With the revolution of knowledge-based economy, knowledge means wealth. Innovations that reveal client’s needs are becoming the focus of corporate operation. Even more so, improving employees’ skills (i.e. knowledge creators) is the key to corporate competitiveness. Since the method’s creation, iMAP has benefited more than 12,800 people. Years of experience had substantiated our understanding of the need for management training. As a highly effective, constantly improving learning method introduced from overseas, iMAP is now a full-fledged training system that integrates innovation, communication, and encouragement. For interested corporations, we will always remain at your disposal to usher in a new era.


     一代管理宗師彼得杜拉克(Peter Drucker)在2002年便指出下一個社會是知識型社會,經濟發展也會從傳統的資本技術密集轉變為「知識經濟」。不僅強調知識的創造,也著重在知識的流通與加值。跨越傳統產業的思維以及運作,以創新、科技、資訊、全球化、競爭力......開創經濟成長新動能。從世界首富比爾蓋茲(Bill Gates)到以創新席捲科技界的賈伯斯(Steve Jobs),前仆後繼的在知識經濟洪流中立下標竿。
  在知識經濟的變革洪流中,掌握知識即掌握了財富,隨時掌握顧客需求的創新,已成為企業經營的重心,企業員工亦即知識生產者的技術提升,更是決定企業競爭力的關鍵。艾美普訓練 自創立以來學員已達 12800 多人,秉持多年來深厚的教學基礎,深刻瞭解國人管理訓練需求,特別從海外引進高效學習方法,經過不斷研討與改進,歸納出一套跨界整合創意,落實溝通激勵,高效團隊的完整訓練,期待與企業攜手並進,共創新局。


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